BROADCAT ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED (BECIL) is a skill development entity and its application has been designed with the specific purpose of conducting physical audit of various training centers affiliated or wanting to be affiliated with BECIL.The audit aims at verifying the training Centre credentials at various stages of the skill training value chain to establish compliance with the laid down procedures and standards. As part of the audit process, the auditor appointed by BECIL travels to the training center to conduct the physical audit through the BECIL app installed on his handheld device. The auditor collects the training center credential collaterals / evidences in the form of geo tagged and time stamped images, videos, and PDF documents.This application will be used solely by our authorized Auditor for capturing evidences/collaterals at different predefined stages of assessments. The evidences would be collected to check Infrastructure, Training quality on part of Training Provider & Implementation of Assessment SOP on part of Assessment Agency & Assessor. These evidences/collaterals would be in form of photographs, videos, documents.These evidences would be used for further audit to determine whether:1) The training & infrastructure at Training Providers was at par & as per the guidelines laid down in the SOP2) Assessment has been carried out as per the guidelines laid down in the SOP This would subsequently help in strengthening the overall quality in the Skill Ecosystem enhancing and improve the overall outcome.